‘Dreaming Of A Freaking Fairy Tale’ Cast, Characters, Plot Summary &...
"Dreaming of a Freaking Fairy tale" is a Korean drama with 10 episodes that aired from May 31 to June 28, 2024. Written by...
‘High School Return of a Gangster’ Cast, Characters, Plot and Ending...
"High School Return of a Gangster" is a Korean drama series with eight episodes, directed by Lee Sung-Taek and written by Horol and Jung...
Crash Cast, Characters, Plot, Ending Explained: How Did The Overlooked TCI...
"Crash" is a Korean drama consisting of 12 episodes that aired from May 13 to June 18, 2024. Directed by Park Joon-Woo and written...
‘The Chairman Of Class 9’ Cast, Plot, Ending Explained, How Does...
The Korean drama "The Chairman of Class 9," written by Choi Ryong and directed by Hong Chung Gi, aired from April 29, 2024, to...
The Atypical Family Cast, Characters, Plot, Ending Explained, What Unexpected Twists...
"The Atypical Family" is a Korean drama that premiered on JTBC on May 4, 2024, and was fully released on June 9, 2024. It...
‘Frankly Speaking’ Cast, Characters, Plot And Ending Explanation, How Does Song...
'Frankly Speaking' is a Korean drama premiered on JTBC on May 1, 2024. The series comprises 12 episodes and is available for streaming on...
Hierarchy Ending Explained, Who Is The Unexpected Culprit Behind Kang In-Han’s...
"Hierarchy" is a Korean drama series released on June 7, 2024, and available on Netflix. The show consists of 7 episodes, each approximately 1...
Lovely Runner Ending Explained: A Time-Travelling Romance With A TwistÂ
"Lovely Runner" is a South Korean drama that premiered on April 8, 2024, with 16 episodes. Written by Lee Shi Eun and directed by...
The Escape Of The Seven: Resurrection Ending Explained, Unpacking The Thrilling...
"The Escape of the Seven: Resurrection" is a thrilling Korean drama written by Kim Sun-Ok and directed by Oh Joon-Hyeok and Oh Song-Hee. The...
Blood Free Ending Explained: Unveiling The Dark Secrets Of BF Group
The Korean drama "Blood Free" was created by Lee Soo-yeon and directed by Park Chul-hwan. It tells the story of a powerful biotech company,...
“Under The Gun” Ending Explained: A Journey of Redemption, Secrets, And...
"Under the Gun" is a Korean drama consisting of six episodes, fully released in April 2024. Written by Lee Hae Ri and directed by...
Chief Detective 1958 Ending Explained: The Unyielding Pursuit of Justice
"Chief Detective 1958" is a Korean drama written by Kim Young-Shin and directed by Kim Sung-Hoon. It is a retro crime investigation series with...