Tag: Crime
GG Precinct Cast, Characters, Plot, Ending Explained: How Does Shui-yan’s Act...
GG Precinct is a 6-episode Taiwanese crime comedy series created by Cheng Wei-hao and Yin Chen-hao. Each episode runs for about 42 minutes and...
Borderless Fog Cast, Characters, Plot, and Ending Explained
Borderless Fog is an Indonesian crime thriller directed by Edwin and available on Netflix.
Cast And Characters
Putri Marino as Sanja - Sanja is a special...
“Gangs of Galicia” (2024) Cast, Plot, Characters and Ending Explained: Does...
"Gangs of Galicia" ("Clanes" in Spanish) is a newly released Netflix show about drug trafficking in the beautiful landscape of Galicia. Directed by Manuel...
Crash Cast, Characters, Plot, Ending Explained: How Did The Overlooked TCI...
"Crash" is a Korean drama consisting of 12 episodes that aired from May 13 to June 18, 2024. Directed by Park Joon-Woo and written...
“Nelma Kodama: The Queen of Dirty Money” (2024) Documentary Explained: Who...
Netflix's newly released “Nelma Kodama: The Queen of Dirty Money” is a thrilling and extremely controversial documentary that takes us deeper into Brazil’s secretive...
Dancing For The Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult Documentary Series Explained...
"Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult" is a three-episode documentary series directed by Derek Doneen, which came out on Netflix on May...
Did The Sexual Predator History Teacher Get Caught? Raising Voices Ending...
"Raising Voices" is a Spanish teen drama mini-series based on a book by Miguel Sáez Carral. It started on Netflix on May 31, 2024,...
“Colors Of Evil: Red” Cast, Plot, And Ending Explained: Who Killed...
"Colors of Evil: Red" (2024) is a Polish crime thriller on Netflix, directed by Adrian Panek. The movie is adapted from the first book...
‘Maestro In Blue’ Season 2 Recap, Plot And Ending Explained, Who...
The Season 2 of the famous Greek Netflix series 'Maestro in Blue' has finally been released. The crime thriller series revolves around the murder...
Netflix’s “Monster” (2024) Plot And Ending Explained: Unravelling the Kidnapper’s Twisted...
"Monster," a 1-hour and 24-minute film, is a remake of the 2020 U.S. movie "The Boy Behind the Door." Written by David Charbonier, Justin...
Chief Detective 1958 Ending Explained: The Unyielding Pursuit of Justice
"Chief Detective 1958" is a Korean drama written by Kim Young-Shin and directed by Kim Sung-Hoon. It is a retro crime investigation series with...
“Hide” Plot and Ending Explained: Unravelling the Web of Deceit and...
"Hide," an intense K-drama filled with suspense, murder, and mystery. Written by Lee Hee-soo, Choi Ah-yul, and Hwang Yu-jeong, and directed by Kim Dong-hwi....